Friday, April 26, 2013

Getting the Garden Ready

This was what my garden looked like a few days ago:


Yes, snow during the last full week of April.  Winter didn't really show up (or the snow, at least) until March this year.  So much for all those garden daydreams!

But today was lovely!  I decided to get a little work done in the garden.  I had been itching to get to work, but I knew that anything I planted would croak with the weather we were having.

I had to clear out some debris from last fall.  I spent about an hour today picking up dry bean, squash, and tomato vines, and then I tilled up the soil.  I have the blisters on my hands to prove it.  I didn't get any planting done today, but at least my beds are ready to go!

Garden Goose approves.

(I left the front bed alone since it is planted with garlic.  The garlic doesn't seem to mind the weather we've been having, and is sprouting.)