There are days when I am not as grateful as I should be. There are days that I feel resentful. Sometimes I find myself wishing I had more (time, money, unnecessary stuff). Then I look at my dog, Langston. I think I could learn a few things from him.
Toys are great.
Squeaky mouse. |
Dagron!! |
Dino-rawr! |
But people are better.
Langston with Damian, the night we brought him home. |
Langston with me, the night we brought him home. |
Much more recently, accepting pats from Damian and tolerating Julian playing with his collar. |
The little things in life can be the most fun.
A net float he found on the beach. A.K.A. "The Best Toy Ever." |
A stick, a.k.a "The Best Toy Ever." |
Play stops being play when you call it exercise. Run for joy!
Running! |
Running with a friend! |
Have faith, and trust your friends. Try new things, even if they are a little scary.
The steep slope was scary, but he did it because we did. |
He was willing to scramble up the clay bluff so he could come with us. |
Just because God didn't give you wings, doesn't mean you shouldn't try to fly (at least a little bit).
Taking off! |
Keeping your feet firmly planted on the ground is clearly overrated. |
It's okay to look silly. The people who matter don't care.
Slobber eyebrow. |
Someone walked in tar and had to wear socks for a while. |
Why? Why the bandana? |
Sharing is a good thing.
Langston shares his toys with Julian. |
Julian shares his snacks with Langston. |
Don't bully those who are smaller than you. No one wants to be friends with a bully.
Langston plays nicely with Finn and Julian. |
Feeling grumpy? Take a nap.
A nap fixes a lot of things. |
It doesn't really matter where you're going, so long as you have good company.
Going to the beach? Going to the vet? Who cares! I get to go! |
Walking with his friend, Silver. |
Being part of a family is THE BEST!
Langston's first beach vacation. |
Stay joyful, my friends.
Thanks for reading!
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